Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Research in English: Survey of English Teachers in the UK.

10-second review: A survey of English teachers in the UK has caused the authors of this article to suggest questions for English teachers in the United States. In general, the English teachers from England and Wales loved their job of teaching English but the morale was low.

Title: “How English Teachers See English Teaching.” R Protherough and J Atkinson. Research in the Teaching of English (December 1992), 385-407.

Suggested Survey Questions from the UK Survey:
.On what basis should entrants to the profession be selected?
.What patterns of teacher preparation seem to be most effective, and by what criteria do we assess that effectiveness?
.What should be the relationship between initial teacher education and continuing professional development?
.What competencies can reasonably be expected of a novice teacher and which are to be acquired with experience?
.What contribution to teacher development can be made by subject associations and their publications?
.Are English teachers justified in the belief that they are somehow different from those working in other subjects, and if so how is this a potential strength or weakness?
.How can teachers’ autonomy be balanced with accountability and professional freedom co-exist with a national strategy?

Comment: Some of these question would be of interest to me. Which questions are my readers interested in answering? Care to offer your answers? E-mail to

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