Monday, August 9, 2010

Research in English: Change.

10-second review: The change to literature-based reading instruction and away from basal reading programs is fraught with problems. The advice of the researcher? Go slow and pilot innovations.

Title: “Teachers in Transition: An Exploration of Changes in Teachers and Classrooms During Implementation of Literature-based Reading instruction.” PL Scharer. Research in the Teaching of English (December 1992), 408 – 445.

Quote: “Although the use of children’s literature independent of basal readers is growing in elementary classrooms, teachers and administrators are challenged by the practical considerations of how to go about making this change in ways that are educationally sound…. Without the step-by-step suggestions in the teacher’s manual for a basal reader, teachers are faced with a multitude of decisions that affect their instruction….” P. 408.

Quote: “If, either through administrative mandate or their own interest, teachers try to implement literature-based reading instruction, the transition to this approach necessitates many changes in the ways teachers make decisions about classroom practices.” P. 409.

Quote: “The results of this study suggest that districts might be cautioned to avoid rapid, large-scale, mandated changes and to attempt implementation slowly by first identifying a few interested teachers to pilot the innovation, supporting those teachers in significant ways, and employing the successes of the pilot group of teachers to encourage the participation of other teachers.” P. 441.

Comment: Long before December 1992, we all knew this about the process of change didn’t we? RayS.

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