10-second review: These questions from the UK survey of English teachers might be in a different format that can be more inviting to answer.
Title: “How English Teachers See English Teaching.” R Protherough and J Atkinson. Research in the Teaching of English (December 1992), 285-407.
UK Survey Questions:
.In view of your later experience, what would you say were the major omissions from your course of preparation for English teaching?
.In what ways has your view of the nature of English teaching changed since you began teaching?
.What do you see as the most urgent problems facing English teachers over the next ten years?
.In what ways (if any) do you think that English teachers as a group are different from teachers of other subjects?
.What seem to you the essential qualification for someone who is going to be an effective English teacher?
.Ideally, how do you think teachers of English should be trained?
.If you had friends (or children) who were thinking of becoming English teachers now, what advice would you give them?
.In what respect do you think your English teaching now is most different from when you began?
.What at present are the chief obstacles to being able to teach as you wish?
.For your own development, what kinds of in-service course would you most welcome?
Comment: Some of these question would be of interest to me. Which questions are my readers interested in answering? Care to offer your answers? E-mail to raystop2@comcast.net. RayS.
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