Thursday, November 19, 2009

Topic: Why Read Literature?

10-second review: “As literacy educators, we believe in the power of literature to help our students understand life and create visions for the future.”

Source: DL Taylor. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy (December 2004), 298. A publication of the International Reading Association.

Comment: Literature, by and large, paints life realistically. Some call that depressing. Candid readers will admit that much literature is tragic. “Understanding life” means understanding the problems and passions that life entails. It means looking directly at the problems of living, of personality, of relationships. Reading literature is not usually a “joyous” experience. It raises questions about living, explores the problems of living and strengthens our understanding of the complexities of living. Stop painting literature as looking at life through rose-colored glasses. RayS.

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