Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Topic: A Fundamental Method of Instruction.

10-second review: What are some different philosophies of teaching?"What Margaret Mead has done, without explicitly intending it, is to describe the possibilities of a new kind of classroom, a classroom in which all—including the teacher—are learning and exchanging and developing, discovering together….”

Sources: JE Miller, Jr. Elementary English (April 1971), 176. Elementary English was replaced by the elementary school publication Language Arts by the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE).

Quote: “Induction is probably the most permanent way to learn something.”

Source: WA Jenkins. Elementary English (April 1971), 183.

Comment: Probably my most satisfying experiences in teaching have been when the students and I both learned something together. However, nothing beats direct instruction in helping students learn what they have to learn quickly and efficiently. RayS.

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