One-minute review: “Tolerance of an activity means endorsement.” Putting the authority to censor in the hands of local groups will mean chaos and many different “community” standards. The answer to objectionable material is to turn it off or don’t turn it on in the first place. If people don’t watch it, advertisers won’t support it.
Source: Daily Local News (
Comment: I don’t agree with the opening quote that tolerance means endorsement. Tolerance means something is available to audiences who do not include me. It’s known as freedom of speech. I can disagree and say so. I can choose to boycott the advertisers who support that with which I disagree. For example, I think that violence on TV and in video games does increase tolerance for violence and may be even an attraction to violence on the part of those who watch or participate in the games. I can condemn the depiction of violence, but as long as I live in a democracy, I am going to have to tolerate its depiction until the majority of people are persuaded by solid evidence that depicting violence leads to violent behavior. RayS.
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