Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Topic: Six Levels of Thought

10-second review: A useful chart of levels of thought: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.

Summary: lowest—recall facts (knowledge); summarize, explain (comprehension); relate to real life (application); compare/contrast (analysis); create something new (synthesis); give an opinion (evaluation).

Example of using levels of thinking. Knowledge: draw and label the parts of the human heart; comprehension: describe the functions of each part of the heart; application: write a paragraph describing the things you do to keep your heart healthy; analysis: compare and contrast the lifestyles of a person with a healthy heart to a person with heart disease; synthesis: describe the journey of a blood cell through the arteries of an unhealthy heart; evaluation: evaluate a friend or relative’s lifestyle related to what you know about maintaining a healthy heart and make any recommendations for improvement.

Source: A Paziotopoulos & M Krull. The Reading Teacher (April 2004), 673. A publication of the International Reading Association (IRA).

Comment: Useful in teaching students how to think. Useful in preparing questions; students should learn and apply these levels of thought. RayS.

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