Thursday, April 10, 2008

Essential Ideas (15 - 20)

Teaching English, How To....
Essential Ideas (16 - 20)

16. Speaking, Formal: Students should organize formal speeches in the same way that they write expository prose, following the formula of "Tell them what you are going to tell them; tell them; and tell them what you told them." They should write out their opening and closing paragraphs in order to start or close smoothly in case of panic. They should use key words on index cards to help them follow their points.

17. Speaking in Groups: Teach students the roles people play in helping and hindering group activities.

18. Speaking: Employment Interviews. Prepare students for employment interviews by reading and discussing typical questions in employment interviews on Web sites like

19. Speed Reading: Use of the hand with increasing speed down the page can double, triple, even quadruple the reading speed of students who have no reading disabilities.

20. Efficient Reading: Teach students to skim and scan after setting their purposes for reading.

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