Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Essential Ideas (11 - 15)

Teaching English, How To....
Essential Ideas (11 - 15)

11. Timed Writing Assessments. Students need to write it right the first time. Begin class with 10-minute essays on topics of students' choice. No requirements to complete the essay in ten minutes. Show students how to correct problems in syntax, style, usage, punctuation; show students how to smooth awkward sentences and clarify sentences with confusing meaning. Students will gain practice in timed writing, will develop the habit of writing, will be shown how to correct problems and will learn to eliminate problems like run-on sentences, sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, parallel structure, etc. Use with one class for three weeks and then use with the second class the next three weeks and so on.

12. Computer. Word processing programs enable students to revise more easily than was true with handwritten essay. Revising with word processing means adding, eliminating and moving words, phrases and even paragraphs.

13. Computer and the Future of Teaching Writing. In the future, students will be able to use pictures, films and sound with their compositions, but these medial will supplement the written text. Students must still learn how to brainstorm, write the thesis sentence, draft, revise and edit.

14. Writing across the Curriculum. Explain to teachers in other disciplines how English teachers teach writing, the research paper and the essay exam. Try to gain unanimity across the disciplines with each of these processes and formats.

15. Spelling. Help students learn to spell by visualizing trouble spots, breaking down multi-syllable words and learning words most likely to be misspelled.

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