Thursday, October 29, 2009

Topic: Basal Readers.

10-second review: What are some criticisms of basal readers?

Quote: “Most criticisms directed at basal reader stories concern the unreal characters which tend to depict only middle-class families and use unreal language patterns.”

Source: R Ross in CM Kirkton. “Once Upon a Time… Folk Tales and Storytelling.” 1028.

Quote: “Reading primers are narrative drills, not real books. Students should always have in the classroom real books for pleasure reading, and they should have time to read.”

Source: C Suhor. Elementary English (December 1971), 921.

Quote: “It is clear that we do not confine ourselves to reading in the basal reader. However, basal readers do lend themselves to skill development both in word recognition and comprehension and appreciation. But if they are to do so, they must be used intelligently, not mechanically. The given story or selection must be analyzed in advance by the teacher to see what kind of skill development would be suitable to it.”

Source: RE Sabaroff. Elementary English. 397.

Comment: As a K-12 language arts supervisor, my main criticism of using basal readers was the wooden manner of the teacher in working with the basal. I think the major advantage of the basal is to teach the teacher how to teach reading systematically. I find that after a period of time in working with the basal, teachers begin to use them intelligently and critically. But one thing the teacher must remember to do is to be enthusiastic in working with the students and the basal. Please! RayS.

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