Thursday, August 6, 2009

Topic: Teaching and Expectations

10-second review: Do teachers’ expectations for students influence the results? The effect of expectations on the achievement of young boys learning to read: When teachers expected boys to be successful in reading, they were; when teachers did not expect boys to be successful, they were not.

Source: Palardy. Elementary English (April 1971), 271. Elementary English preceded Language Arts as the elementary school publication of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE).

Comment: I wonder how many teachers have low expectations for their students? No one in teacher education ever said much to me about high expectations, but in my personal experience as a student and as a supervisor of teachers, I have found that the majority of teachers do not expect much of their students. Having high expectations of one’s students should be a fundamental attitude of teachers, and those who do not have that attitude should not be teachers. RayS.

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