Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Topic: Community in the Classroom

10-second review: What is meant by a “community” in the classroom? “I understood community as interdependent, with each member doing whatever she could to help other members achieve success.” [Quote from the author of the following article.]

Source: T Perry. English Journal (January 2005), 89. A publication of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE).

Comment: It seems that the author, in making a class a community, is ignoring the strong drive for competition that is a part of American communities and capitalist culture. I’m just being crabby. If you can encourage the class to become a community, they learn to work together and how to disagree, compete and cooperate. If you have ever had the experience of the entire class’s working together as a community on a problem or project, you will never forget it. It is a thrilling moment in teaching. RayS.

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