Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Research in English: Parents and Young Children Reading Together

10-seond review: How do parents deal with miscues [misread words] as children begin to read themselves?

Title: "Developmental Changes in Parents' Use of Miscue Feedback during Shared Book Reading." J Mansell, et al. Reading Research Quarterly (July/ August/ September 2005), 294 - 317.

Purpose of the Research
Quote: "The focus of the current research was to study the nature of book reading during primary grades
when children begin to take on the reader role."
How Was the Research Carried Out?
Quote: "Parents of normally developing beginning readers were audio taped in their homes reading books
with their children in kindergarten, first grade and second grade."
How Did Parents Deal with Miscues?
Quote: "Parent responses to miscues were coded as either ignoring the miscue, encouragement to try the word again, grapho-phonemic clues, context clues, or supplying the word. Clues parents gave prior to a child's attempting to read a word were also coded."

Comment: How parents dealt with miscues was, in my opinion, the useful part of this research study. RayS.

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