Monday, May 10, 2010

Topic: A Transnational Use of Language and Technology

10-second review: A migrant Chinese girl communicates across borders back to China, and to other Asian countries from America through technology.

Title: “Multiliteracies Instant Messaging in Negotiating Local, Translocal, and Transnational Affiliations: A Case of an Adolescent Immigrant.” W SE Lam. Reading Research Quarterly (October/ November/ December 2009), 277-397.

Comment: Obviously, I did not understand much of this but the well-educated migrant Chinese girl made use of variations of languages, Asian, American hip-hop, etc., to communicate with her circle of friends and acquaintances through technology, especially the Internet—across borders and cultures. She was resourceful in her use  of language characteristics. An interesting perspective on the manipulation and integration of various languages in order to communicate. I found the study and the linguistic resourcefulness of the student fascinating. RayS.

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