Thursday, October 22, 2009

Topic: Responding to Literature.

10-second review: How teach students to read literature? Teach students to ask questions as they read, questions that they eventually use for discussion in class.

Quote: Focus on students’ questions, not on teachers’ questions. “Rich discussion does not rest on a ‘real meaning’ of the text as determined by the teacher. The student-led novel discussions generated genuine give-and-take that exceeded my expectations. My letting go of the control of the questions meant that students were not only empowered but were also discovering how to comprehend text using a strategy.

"Self-questioning as they read helped them understand the process as a tool that good readers use to understand texts.” p. 123

Source: SL Lloyd. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy (October 2004), 114-124. The secondary school journal of the International Reading Association (IRA).

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