Monday, May 4, 2009

Topic: Publishing

10-minute review: What is the hardest job in having your book published? “When I held the completed manuscript in my hands, little did I know that the hardest jobs—getting the book published and getting it noticed—were still ahead of me.”

Source: L Borders [Author of Cloud Cuckoo Land]. The Writer (May 2005), 14. The Writer is a magazine by writers for writers.

Comment: Without a doubt, for me, even self-publishing the book was hard. Going over and over the 538 pages of Teaching English, How To…. (Xlibris, 2004), knowing that for every mistake I was going to have to pay money to have it corrected, was exhausting almost to nausea. I finally said, “Enough is enough.” and quit editing. When the book was published, I found so many mistakes I overlooked that I am deeply embarrassed. And selling the book? I never even thought of it ahead of time. I should have. No doubt, publishing and selling are serious problems. Next to them, writing the book was almost easy. RayS.

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