Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Topic: Word Choice

10-second review: The effects of students’ having little interest in words. “In student work at each level—freshman through graduate—whether the focus is composition, literature or linguistics/stylistics, I find the same thing: in reading a lack of understanding of the meaning of words in context, a lack of sensitivity to the powers and limitations of words, a lack of interest in and healthy curiosity about words, and in writing, the fruits thereof, namely, incorrect, vague, imprecise, inappropriate, uninteresting, and ultimately ineffective diction.”

Source: D Rygiol. College Composition and Communication (October 1978), 287. A publication of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE).

Comment: Let high school kids study Norman Lewis’s vocabulary book, Word Power Made Easy. Bases the study of words on the ideas behind them and on roots, prefixes and suffixes. It is simply the best vocabulary book on the market. RayS.

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