Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Research in English: Some Examples of Critical Literacy

10 second review: “…we never observed her teaching the group or encouraging a child to question another’s perspective in their texts, challenging privileged lives portrayed in children’s books, critique stereotypes of people and places represented in texts, engage in multiple readings of a text from different perspectives or any other practices that might signify an incorporation of critical analysis in critical literacy.”

Title: “Engaging the Intellectual and the Moral in Critical Literacy Education: the Four-Year Journeys of Two Teachers from Teacher Education to Classroom Practice.” S Jones and G Enriques. Reading Research Quarterly (April/May/June 2009), 145-168.

Comment: The authors look at English education as a method for achieving social justice through the classroom. There’s a thin line between propaganda, preaching and educating. RayS.

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