Friday, March 5, 2010

Topic: Cornell System of Note Taking

One-minute review.
Set up page with 2 ½” margin on the left.

6” space for your notes.

2” space at the bottom for a summary.

Take notes in the 6” space. As soon as possible after the lecture, use the left margin to write key words or phrases that summarize the notes you have written in the 6” space. Use those key words to help you review. Summarize that part of the lecture in the 2” margin at the bottom.

The key words or brief phrases in the margin should be succinct and will help you to remember the ideas in the notes.

Title: How to Study in College. Third Edition. Walter Pauk. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1984.

Comment: Best method I ever learned for note taking. RayS.

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