Friday, April 18, 2008

TEHT...: Learning How to Learn

Teaching English, How To....
Essential Ideas
Quotes from the Book

Purpose of Education is life-long learning. The purpose of schooling is to prepare students for life-long learning.

Question: How can I help students learn how to learn?

From my book: "Independent study helps students learn how to organize their own learning. They plan and complete projects on topics about which they want to learn.

"Independent study requires students to plan and complete personal projects. They formulate goals and objectives, list possible activities and materials, and propose methods of evaluation. The teacher meets with each student to help plan the project. The student gives reasons for wanting to make the study; lists activities to be completed, materials needed, and people with whom to consult; outlines an estimated schedule; and suggests methods for the final presentation of results.

During the course of the project, the student meets with the teacher to discuss problems, difficulties and needs, many of which can be resolved by the teacher. For example, if the student needs to talk with certain individuals who are knowledgeable in the subject of the student's project, the teacher can make the arrangements."

Independent study projects help students formulate plans for learning.

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